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Evaporative Cooling Towers and Profit Margins


Evaporative cooling towers are often used in power plants, food processing plants, natural gas processing plants, petrochemical plants, petroleum refineries, and semi-conductor plants. Installing industrial evaporative cooling systems is one way for business owners to improve employee comfort, health, and productivity. When employees are comfortable, morale and production increase. Likewise, when workers are uncomfortable due to the stress caused by heat, accidents and mistakes are more common and productivity drops. An evaporative cooling tower can help provide cooling without the expense of central air conditioning. They store large amounts of water that lower the overall temperature of the building by...

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Society Wants Green Solutions Evaporative Air Cooling Offers The Solution

The Workplace

Evaporative air cooling offers one of the most energy efficient and economical solutions available on the market today. Offering savings of up to 75% on energy expenses while still being able to provide as much as a 30 degree temperature difference, an evaporative air cooling system is an obvious choice for contractors to offer homeowners looking for green solutions. Another option for homeowners are portable evaporative cooling units. These units allow for easy placement within a home. The evaporative cooling fans draw hot air through a filter which extracts moisture from the air. The moisture, as it builds in an...

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The Benefits of Evaporative Air Coolers Over Air Conditioning

Industrial The Home The Workplace

Evaporative air coolers and evaporative humidifiers offer both energy efficiency and energy savings to homeowners, business owners, and industrial operators. Here are some facts about evaporative cooling: Evaporative air coolers work by adding humidity to the air. The moisture and air movement provided by evaporative cooling helps to remove heat, smoke, odors, and air pollution caused by dangerous chemicals and gases. Evaporative air coolers require only 25 percent of the energy required by a central air conditioning system. Evaporative coolers work to maintain air temperatures below 80 degrees F—a safe level for industrial or commercial workers. Evaporative cooling can be routed through an existing...

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Explosion Proof Industrial The Workplace

They’re characteristic of any paint booth – let alone many other industrial settings. What do they all have in common? They produce fumes that have the potential to combust – causing an explosion that could not only injure you and your co-workers, but could also wreak havoc on the environment and indoor air quality if not properly disposed of. But there’s one simple solution to keeping your paint booth safe and fume free: explosion proof fans, or non-sparking fans. Specifically, these types of fans work to filter out fumes and particles from a hazardous location while minimizing the chances that...

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Calculating For Proper Ventilation

An essential aspect to any HVAC system is the CFM, otherwise known as “cubic feet per minute.” CFM is all about airflow. Too much airflow and you’ll have energy inefficiencies and varied levels of heating and cooling in a given area, putting a strain on your wallet when it comes to your energy bill. Conversely, too little airflow may cause it to take frustratingly long time to heat or cool a room. This also can lead to an increase on your energy bill. That’s why it’s important to achieve that perfect medium between too much and too little airflow when...

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