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Information Center — Portable

How To Correctly Use Confined Space Blowers And Ventilators

Confined Space Ventilators Hazardous Locations Portable The Workplace Workplace Safety

As a site manager, the safety of your employees is paramount, which is why you should always have confined space blowers and confined ventilators on hand to maintain high-quality breathable air in the area your workers are. This becomes particularly important in confined spaces where gases and other chemicals can quickly build up and create a danger. Without proper ventilation, those working in tunnels or manholes simply won’t be able to breathe properly, affecting their health and productivity. Using a confined space ventilator in a confined space is fairly similar to using it in an open area, although it is...

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What’s the air quality like in your work environment?

Portable The Workplace

Are you subject to unpleasant smells? Are you and your workers breathing in potentially harmful airborne pollutants? If so, you might have an itchy throat or eye irritation, which are symptoms that can be easily mistaken for allergies. You may also experience long-term effects, as well. Yes, the air quality in any work environment, from manufacturing facilities to warehouses to gymnasiums, is important. And luckily, if the quality in a given environment isn’t up to par, there’s a simple, affordable solution that can be easily implemented to help make it safe: portable cooling fans. Portable cooling fans work by pumping...

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Confined Space Blowers and Manhole Work

Industrial Portable The Workplace

Industrial jobs aren’t just confined to the factory. No, there are tunnels, tanks, manholes and other tight spaces that you have to squeeze into from time to time to accomplish a task. And while you’re working in these types of situations, it’s just as important to make sure that you’re working in a safe environment with viable and reliable equipment. That’s where confined space blowers come into play, as they help keep harmful gases and toxins, which are often present in manholes, away so you can finish the job safely and with good ventilation in spaces which offer limited entry...

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Things to Know Before Buying a Circulating Fan

Portable The Home The Workplace

Before purchasing air circulator fans, there are some things to know about how fans work and how to use them: Fan type: A circulating fan is not the same as a centrifugal fan (exhaust fan). Circulating fans raise comfort levels in warm weather or otherwise elevated temperatures. When used with air conditioning, thermostats can be set four degrees higher, giving homeowners and businesses six to nine percent in energy savings. Ceiling fan rotation: Rotating ceiling fans in the appropriate direction can save energy costs. In winter, set fan blades to turn in a clockwise direction to pull warm air from...

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Addressing Circulating Fan Concerns: Noise

Portable The Home The Workplace

Circulating fans can offer savings for homeowners and businesses alike. Ceiling fans, floor fans, wall-mounted fans, and portable fans can make rooms feel cooler without the high costs associated with central air conditioning. If needed, they can also be used in conjunction with A/C to keep energy costs down. Though fans are a simple and cost-effective solution to the heat, they can sometimes be distracting. A noisy fan can cause discomfort and stress for home occupants and employees who enjoy quiet surroundings or require careful concentration. Older fan models tend to be noisier than their more current counterparts and should...

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